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If you've ever wanted someone you care about to truly FEEL how much they're loved, appreciated and seen, and not known what to do? 


Then this unforgettable gift is the perfect option for you. This brings together technology with the power of psychology to help our loved ones understand the difference they make in the world just by being them.


With this gift, we'll help you rally together some of your loved ones special people in order for us to create a completely personalized video montage for them. No need to worry about all the tech and editing details. With a little information from you, we'll do the heavy lifting. ;) 


You can choose just the digital version of the video for the gift, or you can choose to send it as a  personalized unboable keepsake.


With this digital version, you'll recieve a downloadable guide at checkout with...

- How it works (step by step what to expect)

- How to create a good video

- What to talk about in a good video


With this digital version, the recipient will recieve the finished video via a downloadable link through email.


Want to really drive the point home that this person is amazing? Be sure to take it the next level by adding on another unforgettable gift option... customized artwork featuring their name and some of their most valued and mentioned traits from the video.

Group Video Gift - Digital Version

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