We believe that our words can change people's lives.
Proven by science //
1. People will internalize what you say more on a video than if they heard it, or saw it written.
2. The messages that you see and hear daily have a deep and lasting impact on what you think and believe.
3. We are more likely to internalize a message if it is paired with or said with our name. Hearing our names have a powerful affect on us!
This is why these gifts can make a huge impact on issues like
anxiety, loneliness, worthiness, and depression.
Group Video Gifts
Want someone to feel truly loved? This is how you do it.
Telling someone how great they are may make them feel nice, but to really drive the point home say it on a video.
There is a mental shift that happens when we watch people on video and it can make the same statements previously said seem more real and meaningful. Gather family and friends to make this message of love hit hard and last a lifetime.
Custom Name Artpiece
Studies show that the more you see and hear a message, the more you internalize it regardless of if you consciously do it or not.
Take your gift to the next level with a completely personalized artwork that features your loved one's name and the most used positive descriptors used to describe them. (These are taken straight out of what is said in the group video). This physical reminder helps continues to drive the message of how valued and amazing they are on a daily basis.
The Ultimate Love Drip
7 weeks of Customized Encouragement
They say 7 is the magic number! Studies say that if you want to remember something, or shift your perspective on something, you need to recite it, see it, BE BOMBARDED with it a minimum of 7 times. Let's use this power for good and create the ultimate encouraging gift by including an array of customized apparel, and accessories that drive the encouragement messages home. Enjoy 7 weeks of science backed ways to make someone feel valued and loved.