If you've ever wanted someone you care about to truly FEEL how much they're loved, appreciated and seen, and not know what to do?
Then this unforgettable gift is the perfect option for you. This unique gift uses the hacks of psychology to get a person to truly see themselves from another's eyes...more importantly, from a loved one's eyes.
It is 2 part. One part video and one part un-boxable custom artwork.
Here is what we'll create...
Part 1 // Group Video Gift
With this gift, we'll help you rally together some of your loved ones special people in order for us to create a completely personalized video montage for them. No need to worry about all the tech and editing details. With a little information from you, we'll do the heavy lifting. ;) This will be created and a link for access and viewing will be sent to your recipient.
We make the video creation process EASY AS PIE for you and your co-gifters. The videos can be taken using your phone or computer straight through a link we'll send you. We'll also be sure to guide you the whole way with prompts of what to talk about and how to best position yourself so that you can create the best video possible.
Part 2 / Custom Name Artwork
To really drive the point home that this person is amazing, we'll include another unforgettable gift option... customized artwork featuring their name and some of their most valued and mentioned traits.
You'll be able to choose from 3 styles to ensure that the finished art piece reflects their personal style, and will be hung somewhere to be seen and enjoyed daily. Studies say that the more you see a message, the more you'll internalize it and believe it.
*4 styles are (Classic, Modern, Modern Initials, Trendy) See labeled photos here for each style*
* Part 2 is shipped as a fun un-boxable gift! Not only will they receive the priceless experience of the group video via email, but they'll also receive the artwork in the mail. *
Don't worry, we'll be sure to let your recipent know all those that contributed to their special gift. This whole process of creation will be completed via email or Facebook Messenger, and their special artpiece will arrive within 2 weeks.
Artwork comes in a 0.875″ w x 0.875″ h frame
- Material: Solid wood
- Face Width: 0.875″ (0.875″ height)
- Print Mounting: Dry-mounted to Foam Core
- Backing: Kraft paper dust cover
- Hanging Hardware: Hanging wire installed / Sawtooth hanger installed / Corner sawtooth installed
- Size options: 8x8, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20
- Colors: Black frame, White frame, Natural Oak frame
* For other custom options, please reach out to us directly nicole@lovelydots.com *
**To begin the gift creation process you'll receive a link via email following checkout that will send you to a short 2 minute form in our gift creator. With the details you provide us we can begin creating everything for you!**
Group Video + Name Artwork Gift
High quality digital video compilation of friends and family delivered via a downloadable link in email + a premium fine art print featuring a personalized name and descriptions. Printed in black and white. 4 sizes available.